Termékek a csomagolás (407)

FÜGGŐ RUHÁKHOZ VALÓ ZÁRÓGÉPEK FPMM/FPMA - Függő ruhákhoz való zárógépek. Zárósáv szélessége mm. 600/ max. termék hossz.

FÜGGŐ RUHÁKHOZ VALÓ ZÁRÓGÉPEK FPMM/FPMA - Függő ruhákhoz való zárógépek. Zárósáv szélessége mm. 600/ max. termék hossz.

Vertical sealing machines for hanging garments, suitable for packaging ironed garments such as jackets, shirts and suits. They can seal all types of bags between 400 and 700 mm in width and of any thickness. The machines carry out an impulse welding (the resistances heat up only during the welding). Welding times vary from a minimum of 0.6 sec. to a maximum of 1.2 sec. The sealing machines for hanging garments are available in the following versions: FPMM MANUAL MODEL The FPMM manual model only performs the upper sealing of the bags containing the garments. The bars are closed by manual command from the operator who acts on a lever located on the control panel. The bottom of the envelope remains open. FPMA/FPMA PLUS PNEUMATIC MODEL The FPMA model is more professional and robust and has a minicomputer that manages the functionality of the machine, from the safety devices to the working times. Thanks to it, it is possible to work in three different operating mode. Seal length:mm. 600 Max. length of garments:mm. 1650 Material to use:Polyethylen film, also with gussets
012. Eldobható maszk táska - NINCS ÉTEL

012. Eldobható maszk táska - NINCS ÉTEL

Busta per mascherine neutre o personalizzate. MATERIALE:PE, PP
026. Táskák gyümölcsöknek és zöldségeknek - FOOD

026. Táskák gyümölcsöknek és zöldségeknek - FOOD

Buste per ortofrutta, precisamente articoli confezionabili di modo alternativo alle classiche casse in legno: uva, sedano, mele, frutti di bosco, carote.
Zöldség-gyümölcs pult

Zöldség-gyümölcs pult

I Plateau ortofrutta sono utilizzati per la spedizione delle merci in ambienti cella frigo, ideali per la ”quarta gamma” ma anche per prodotti alimentari e di pasticceria. Sono prodotti stesi, planari, se disponete internamente di macchine per l'incollaggio oppure già montati pronto uso con una tempistica di qualche giorno dal momento in cui li ordinate. Trovano applicazione anche in campo industriale nel settore Caseario
Átlátszó semleges ragasztószalagok

Átlátszó semleges ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi trasparenti senza stampa, per chi deve chiudere scatole destinate ad essere stoccate in ambienti asciutti, in ambienti umidi, in ambienti aggressivi al di sotto dello zero come la surgelazione
MOCA élelmiszer tároló dobozok

MOCA élelmiszer tároló dobozok

Le scatole per alimenti MOCA sono scatole idonee per contenere a stretto contatto e gli alimenti, sono quindi degli imballaggi primari solitamente utilizzati per i settori della surgelazione, della pasticceria, della pasta fresca, per i fritti, per tutti quei settori dove è necessario un imballaggio certificato ed eventualmente anche personalizzato con il marchio del cliente. Sono realizzati con due tipi diversi di materia prima ovvero in cartone ondulato, oppure il cartoncino teso dove e si può personalizzare con la stampa a risoluzione fotografica


Per la bancalizzazione e per la spedizione forniamo film estensibile e film in polietilene sia per applicazioni manuali che per macchine automatiche
Papíralapú ragasztószalagok

Papíralapú ragasztószalagok

La maggiore attenzione dei mercati degli ultimi tempi ci pone di fronte a un tipo di nastro adesivo completamente riciclabile nella carta fornibile nelle colorazioni bianco e avana, con eventuale possibilità di personalizzazione del nastro con il vostro logo aziendale e con il vostro marchio
Antitaccheggio szalag

Antitaccheggio szalag

Se avete necessità di impedire l'apertura delle vostre scatole da parte di terzi, questa è la soluzione che fa per voi! Si tratta di un nastro con un particolare adesivo che una volta applicato per la chiusura della scatola non può più essere rimosso.Un tentativo di rimozione del nastro porta al danneggiamento della scatola e quindi potrete essere sicuri al 100% che i vostri pacchi non siano in nessun modo aperti durante il loro trasporto
Semleges avana ragasztószalagok

Semleges avana ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi avana senza stampa, per chi deve chiudere scatole destinate ad essere stoccate in ambienti asciutti, in ambienti umidi, in ambienti aggressivi al di sotto dello zero come la surgelazione
Fehér semleges ragasztószalagok

Fehér semleges ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi bianchi senza stampa, per chi deve chiudere scatole destinate ad essere stoccate in ambienti asciutti, in ambienti umidi, in ambienti aggressivi al di sotto dello zero come la surgelazione
Színes ragasztószalagok

Színes ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi disponibili in vari colori: rosso, blu, giallo utili per distinguere le varie tipologie di merce all'interno dei propri magazzini, o per la differenziazione dei rifiuti
Személyre szabott ragasztószalagok

Személyre szabott ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi disponibili nelle tre colorazioni base: trasparente, bianco, avana con possibilità di personalizzazione con il marchio e il logo della vostra azienda anche utilizzando più colori
Készlet hevederező szerszámokkal, pecsétekkel, kocsival és orsóval HEAVY PL 16 - Kézi hevederező szerszámok

Készlet hevederező szerszámokkal, pecsétekkel, kocsival és orsóval HEAVY PL 16 - Kézi hevederező szerszámok

This kit is the easiest and most economical kit for strapping and is used especially when you do not need a battery tensioning device or larger coils. This kit is suitable for strapping of pallets up to 800 kg, considering putting two straps for each pallet. The holding capacity of strap dipends on material type and on strap choice. Max width usable strap:mm. 16 Strapping tool weight:Kg. 2,9
Csomagoló gép nyitott asztallal raklapemelőkhöz FP 15 ES/T 1.5 - Csomagoló gépek nyitott asztallal

Csomagoló gép nyitott asztallal raklapemelőkhöz FP 15 ES/T 1.5 - Csomagoló gépek nyitott asztallal

Place the pallets (EPAL) using a simple hand pallet truck, attach the film to the base of the pallet, select the wrapping program and press the start button.The machine automatically winding and stops. Cut the film manually. Attention: the pallet must not have the inner crosspieces on the side of the transpallet. STRETCH FILM FOR WRAPPING MACHINES: The film normally used on winding machines is 23 my standard in rolls of approximately 16 kg. With 1 roll of film you are able to wrap an average of 60 pallets. The film is also available in white 30 my, suitable to protect the contents of the pallets from sunlight. The white film is opaque and can be used to hide valuable goods during transport. The type of films supplied by us is of premium quality and is suitable to be used on our machines. We recommend using only top quality film in that it significantly reduces packaging waste and failures due to the use of an unsuitable product. Capacity:Kg. 1000 (1500 kg with optional) Turntable rotation speed:variable 4 - 7 rpm Max. pallet dimensions:mm. 1000 x 1200 Max. pallet height:mm 2200 h (2700 mm with optional) Turntable diameter:mm. 1500 Turntable height:mm. 90 Power supply:380V 50Hz. + T + N Installed electric power:Kw 0,6 Dimensions:mm. 1650x2520x2560 h Weight:Kg. 550
Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatic eyeletting machine with single head for eyelets 9 mm, 7 mm, type 051 a - PNEUMATIC EYELETTING MACHINE, WITH SINGLE HEAD, automatic feeder, cast-iron frame and stand. Suitable for high volume applications and where one eyelet are required. Ideal for automatic application of warranty seals in cardboard industry, bank office, post office and in many others field. It is especially used in food industry for to seal and at the same time for to apply a printed card on plastic bags. Steel painted base plate:mm 360 x 500 Usable eyelets:type 7-9-050-051


I ceci Bio sono selezionati in base ad altissimi standard qualitativi per offrire un prodotto genuino e controllato. Questi legumi sono un'ottima fonte proteica ricchi di numerose sostanze nutritive: vitamine A B, C, E, K, calcio, ferro, fosforo, magnesio, sodio, potassio e zinco. I ceci sono privi di glutine e possono essere integrati nella dieta dei celiaci ma visto il loro alto contenuto proteico sono indicati anche per chi segue una dieta ipocalorica vegana o vegetariana. Prima di cucinare i ceci bio è necessario lavarli con acqua corrente per eliminare tutte le impurità e in seguito metterli a bagno per 12 ore così da renderli morbidi e pronti per essere lessati. Per una cottura perfetta dei ceci servono circa 45 minuti ma si possono ridurre i tempi di preparazione se scegliete di tostarli o di cuocerli a vapore. Per mantenere intatto il sapore dei ceci è opportuno conservarli in un luogo fresco e asciutto.
ÁLLANDÓ HŐMÉRSÉKLETŰ HEGESZTŐ ME-CFA/CFV - Állandó hőmérsékletű asztali / pedestálos hegesztő elektromos lábpedállal. Széles hegesztés

ÁLLANDÓ HŐMÉRSÉKLETŰ HEGESZTŐ ME-CFA/CFV - Állandó hőmérsékletű asztali / pedestálos hegesztő elektromos lábpedállal. Széles hegesztés

This special automatic table top/vertical with stand constant heat sealer. Are suitable for sealing polypropylene and paired / laminated bags, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing jaws of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and thermoregulator for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 200 ° C. The closing of the jaws is through an electromagnet which ensures a high sealing pressure and allows the sealing of thick bags with or without side gussets. Operation The operation provides for the closure of bars and seals the bag following operator control, by electric pedal. This allows the operator to grab the bag with both hands, being able to perform a more precise sealing and parallel to the bag. The vertical model with pedestal can be tilted to 90 degrees, has a special support surface to support the bag during sealing. In this way the operator has both hands free to hold the bag since the sealing is made by pressing the pedal. seal length:mm. 300/400/600 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:30°÷200°C
Félautomata tömítőgép FP 9070 - Félautomata tömítőgép dupla meghajtórendszerrel dobozokhoz.

Félautomata tömítőgép FP 9070 - Félautomata tömítőgép dupla meghajtórendszerrel dobozokhoz.

CARTON SEALER MACHINE MOD. FP 9070 - DOUBLE DRIVE SYSTEM CONSISTS OF TWO LOWER SIDE BELTS AND TWO UPPER BELTS. Machine suitable for large boxes, the double drive system ensures a regular feed even in presence of high and light boxes. The two heads simultaneously apply a strip of tape taping above and below the box. Ideal for close fixed format boxes (with constant height and width). Structure of the body in painted steel. Movement of boxes happens via two lower dive belts and two upper drive belts, adjustments for the different formats are carried out using flywheels. The machine is equipped with idle rollers 400 mm length for loading and unloading. The machine is equipped with wheels with brake. Carton dimensions:Min 150 x 200 x 120 mm Max Unlimited x 700 x 750 mm Tape width:mm 50 (75 optional) Tape type:PP - PVC Operation speed:20 m/min Belt drive:Lower side/Upper
ZÁRÓ KÉSZÜLÉK TALPPAL FPS-DD - Állandó hőmérsékletű tasakzárók 14 mm széles zárással, mechanikus lábpedállal és függőleges kialakítással.

ZÁRÓ KÉSZÜLÉK TALPPAL FPS-DD - Állandó hőmérsékletű tasakzárók 14 mm széles zárással, mechanikus lábpedállal és függőleges kialakítással.

Sealing machine with stand and mechanical footswitch, constant heat sealing bars fot the closure of polypropylene bags and coupled in aluminum, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing bars of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and temperature controller for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 200 ° C. The closing of the sealing bars by a mechanical pedal guarantees a high welding pressure and allows the sealing of high thickness envelopes with or without lateral bellows. Seal length:mm. 300/400 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:30°C.÷200° C. Sealable material:PP-AL/PE
INKJET MARKER FPA2-PRO - Maximális nyomtatási magasság mm 12,7. Porózus és nem porózus felületekhez

INKJET MARKER FPA2-PRO - Maximális nyomtatási magasság mm 12,7. Porózus és nem porózus felületekhez

The FPA2-PRO marker is the most professional version of inkjet markers. It allows to write up to 12,7 mm on several lines of printing, even on non-porous surfaces (boxes, bottles, glossy cards, jars, etc.). It can reach a speed of 72 m/min. It allows to print alphanumeric texts, logos, date/time, codes, counter, lot and 1D & 2D barcode, distributed on different lines with a total height of 12,7 mm. The minimum printing height is about 2,7 mm. The marking speed can be set directly on the marker keypad and it is therefore possible to write accurately and without deformation of the characters. The cartridges are very durable, have a duration of tens of thousands of markings and do not require maintenance. The marker is however equipped with an automatic nozzle cleaning system Thanks to the SD card (included in the package) you can save up to 999 messages, setting them in any size (maximum 12,7 mm) and any Word font format. Resolution:600x300 dpi based on resolution and printing speed Print engine:Hewlett-Packard Thermal Ink Jet Technology Print speed:72 m/min at 300 dpi, horizontal resolutio Maximum printing height:12,7 mm (1 row) Minimum printing height:2,7 mm (on several rows) Print distance:6 mm recommended Printable elements:alphanumeric writings, logos, date / time, codes, counter, lot and barcode
FPXBAG - ÚJ VERTIKÁLIS CSEMEGÉZŐ GÉP - Táskához, amelynek szélessége mm 170, 185 vagy 235, és hossza legfeljebb mm 330 vagy 580

FPXBAG - ÚJ VERTIKÁLIS CSEMEGÉZŐ GÉP - Táskához, amelynek szélessége mm 170, 185 vagy 235, és hossza legfeljebb mm 330 vagy 580

FPXBAG-NEW is an innovative semiautomatic vertical packaging machine which combines different existing technologies with unique innovations. FPXBAG-NEW is an easy to use, economical and functional form-fill-seal machine which creates 3 hermetic sealing bags starting from a plain foil roll. Compared to the other vertical machines, FPXBAG-NEW has an innovative system of forming box which allows to get a fast format change. This systems reduces the machine shot-down and we gain in productivity. Moreover the two clamps of the horizontal sealing allow to keep the forming bag in position reducing the any break possibility. The key factor of the FPXBAG-NEW is the versatility of the machine which can seal any kind of film, this thanks to the incomparable sealing system. The machine is supplied with 1 forming tube type 200 (suitable for making bags with a width of 185 mm). On request it is possible to have forming tubes with different sizes, type 200 and type 250. Hourly production:0­-1000 pz. Bags width:mm 170/185/235 (depending on collar) Bag lenght :from mm 50 to mm. 330/580 with tape Film reel width:mm 360/410/520 Max diameter film reel:mm 250 Film thickness:from 15 to 50 µm Usable film:Polyethylene, polyolefins, drilled, coupled, macro-perforated, biodegradable films, cartene Horizontal sealing:mpulse with double strip and cutting line
Szövetheveder készlet 9-13-16-19 mm - Csomagolás szövethevederrel

Szövetheveder készlet 9-13-16-19 mm - Csomagolás szövethevederrel

The woven strap is widely used when you need to tie and secure the products by means of ligatures that are not constituted by iron or plastic strap. Woven strap features: - Excellent tension maintenance. - Perfect elasticity in case of shock. - No conjunctions. - It ensures minimum wastage. - Perfect winding. For the ligation you need a tensioner, the strapping band, the buckles and a strap-holder trolley to prevent strap damage. Different types of straps, more professional strapping tools and various types of trolleys are available on request. Example model:40 WG Width:13 mm. Reel lenght:1100 mt. Diam.int.:76 mm. Linear breking load:375 Kg.
FP W380/800 - MINI PALETTÁM - Mini palettám, szélesség mm. 380, villák hossza mm. 800, teherbírás 500 Kg

FP W380/800 - MINI PALETTÁM - Mini palettám, szélesség mm. 380, villák hossza mm. 800, teherbírás 500 Kg

MINI PALLET TRUCK MOD. FP W380/800 WITH FORKS WIDTH MM. 380 Pallet truck with reduced dimensions, which is essential for the handling of pallets of mm. 600x400 (¼ pallet), exhibitors, speakers and generally for packages with size and height below the standard. Capacity:Kg. 500 Maximum forks height (h3):mm. 150 Minimum forks height (h13):mm. 60 Handle height (h14):mm. 1127 Overall width:mm. 380 Overall lenght (L1):mm. 1126 Forks length (L):mm. 800 Single fork width (e):mm. 100 Fork thickness (s):mm. 40 Distance between forks:mm. 180 type wheels:Polyurethane steer + single roller nylon
Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatic eyeletting machine with single head for eyelets 9 mm, 7 mm, type 051 a - PNEUMATIC EYELETTING MACHINE, WITH SINGLE HEAD, automatic feeder, cast-iron frame and stand. Suitable for high volume applications and where one eyelet are required. Ideal for automatic application of warranty seals in cardboard industry, bank office, post office and in many others field. It is especially used in food industry for to seal and at the same time for to apply a printed card on plastic bags. Steel painted base plate:mm. 360 x 500 Usable eyelets:type 7-9-050-051
THERMO RETRAKTOR HORNET - Gáz kéziszerszám hőzsugorításhoz, 70 vagy 90 kW teljesítménnyel

THERMO RETRAKTOR HORNET - Gáz kéziszerszám hőzsugorításhoz, 70 vagy 90 kW teljesítménnyel

Gas hand tool for thermo shrinking Hornet, high power (until 90 Kw), but very light and handy with practical handle with fast lever gas and electronic ignition. The high power and ease of use allow a fast shrinking of plastic films of each thickness and the realization of packaging even large. Raptor it's available with power of 70 Kw and 90 Kw. The main areas of application are: Packing : Welding / retraction of packaging also large Boating : Realisation of coverages in plastic film for boat storage Building : Welding and retraction of plastic film for protective scaffolding Environment : Welding of plastic film for coating for containment tanks Example model:FP HORNET 70 Power :70 Kw. - 238.800 btu/h Supply :propane gas Max. pressure :4 bar Consumption :5,22 Kg/h Ignition :piezoelectric
MOTOROS ZÁRÓ ME - CFE - Asztali állandó hőmérsékletű zárók motoros zárással

MOTOROS ZÁRÓ ME - CFE - Asztali állandó hőmérsékletű zárók motoros zárással

ME-CFE CONSTANT AUTO SEALERS WITH MOTOR CONTROL Table top motorized sealer with electric pedal and welding bars at a constant temperature for sealing polypropylene bags and paired/laminated aluminium, paper, barrier materials, etc. The sealing bars of the type "hot bar" are equipped with resistance and thermostat for controlling the temperature from 30 ° C to 250 ° C. The closure of the bars it takes place through an engine which guarantees a high welding pressure (0,7 Kg./cm2) and allows the sealing of envelopes with hight tickness with or without side bellows. Operation The operation provides for the closure of bars and seals the bag following operator control, by electric pedal. This allows the operator to grab the bag with both hands, being able to perform a more precise sealing and parallel to the bag. Seal length:mm. 300/400 Seal width :mm. 14 Temperature:80°÷250°C
Impulzushegesztő ME-FC vágóval - Dönthető zacskószegeztő mechanikus lábbal, egy impulzusrúddal és vágóval a levágáshoz

Impulzushegesztő ME-FC vágóval - Dönthető zacskószegeztő mechanikus lábbal, egy impulzusrúddal és vágóval a levágáshoz

Impulse sealer with mechanical pedal and floor support for the closure of bags in plastic material heat-sealable, impulse sealing (resistance to heat for a few seconds) and timer for adjustment. At the end of the sealing is possible to trim the bag with the cutter installed on the bar. The open structure also allows you to install a coil on the back of the machine and to obtain envelopes of the desired length using the tubular film. The sealing head can be tilted up to 45 ° to allow the closure of the envelopes containing liquids or powders. Maximum thickness of 0.15 mm sealable . (0.30 mm. Overall) Max. seal length:mm. 450/mm. 600 Seal width:mm.2 Thermosealing materials:PE-PP
Bio Tökmag 3 Kg

Bio Tökmag 3 Kg

I semi di zucca bio sono un ottimo snack da consumare per merenda o prima dell'attività fisica per fornire all'organismo un'adeguata fonte di energia e alcune importanti sostanze nutritive. Si possono utilizzare i semi di zucca non soltanto come snack ma anche per preparare diverse ricette: torte salate e dolci, pane e focacce vellutate ed insalate miste. I semi di zucca sono ottimi per chi segue una dieta vegana visto che possono essere utilizzati in granella o in scaglie sottili al posto dei formaggi. I semi di zucca biologici di sono ricchi di vitamine e minerali come magnesio, zinco e selenio per il benessere dell'organismo. L'elevato apporto energetico rende i semi di zucca lo spuntino ideale per gli atleti o per chi segue un regime alimentare specifico come i vegetariani o i vegani. I semi di zucca sono ottimi da sgranocchiare mentre si sorseggia un cocktail alcolico o analcolico. Inoltre, sono già sgusciati e pronti da mangiare; il formato convenienza è utilissimo per aperitivi.
HŐSZELEP MG 1020 - MÁGNESSEL - Kézi/motoros impulzushegesztő, hossza 1020 mm, vágóval. Hegesztési szélesség 5 mm

HŐSZELEP MG 1020 - MÁGNESSEL - Kézi/motoros impulzushegesztő, hossza 1020 mm, vágóval. Hegesztési szélesség 5 mm

MG 1020 SEALING MACHINE WITH CLOSING MAGNET Pulse sealers MG 1020 series, with 1020 mm sealing bar and suitable for sealing polyethylene, pvc and polypropylene bags. They have a special timer for adjusting the sealing time based on the thickness and type of material. The MG sealers are complete with a manual cutting unit for the trimming of the sealed bags and/or the creation of bags from tubular reels (if the machine is equipped with a roll holder). The sealing bars must be closed manually by the operator and are automatically held by a magnet until the end of the cycle. There are special supports with mechanical pedal, for the manual sealing machine and with electric pedal for the sealing machine with motorized bar closing. Available models: MG 1020: bench sealing machine with manual closing of the bars MGMI 1020: bench sealing machine with motorized closing of the bars and electric pedal Max. seal length:mm. 1020 Seal width:mm. 5 Max. seal thickness:0,20 mm (0.40 tot)